
My Projects

Web Developement Projects

Personal Portfolio

  • This is my portfolio website.

  • In this portfolio website I used HTML, CSS and Javascript To develop it.

  • This portfolio website is fully responsive.

  • You can send me email through the contact page with your message.

Myntra E-commerce Website Clone

  • This is my clone website of Myntra E-commerce.

  • In this clone website I used HTML, CSS to develop it.

  • This portfolio website is fully responsive.

  • This is the FrontEnd page of Myntra E-cpmmerce website.


  • This is a basic mathematical Calculator.

  • This Calculator is able to perform basic mathematical operations.

  • In this Calculator website I used HTML, CSS and Javascript To develop it.

  • This website is fully responsive.

Other Personal Projects

Real State Price Predictor

  • This is a Data Science project.

  • This is a real life project for predict the price of Real State Propeties.

  • In this project I took the data of real state and predict the price on different basis.

  • This project is developed by using Python.

Loan Predictor

  • This is a Data Science project.

  • This is a real life project for check the eligibility laon criteria on different basis.

  • In this project it predict a person who applied for loan is eligible or not for loan.

  • This project is developed by using Python.

Snake Game

  • This project is based on Snake Game.

  • This is developed in C++ Programming language.

  • This is a graphics based game, this is also interactive and responsive game. User can control the snake by using arrow keys.

  • This is convenient for users to play this game and enjoy it while playing.

Rock, Paper, and Scissors game

  • This project is based on Rock, Papaer and Scissors game.

  • This is a command line based game.

  • This is developed in Python & C++ both programming languages.

  • This is not so convenient for the users. But, you can play it as per instructions and enjoy this game